Ada Limon



The Carrying

Winner of The National Book Critics Circle Award

Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-57131-512-0 / Pages: 96 / Milkweed Editions, August 14, 2018

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From The Publisher: From National Book Award and National Book Critics Circle Award finalist Ada Limón comes The Carrying—her most powerful collection yet. Vulnerable, tender, acute, these are serious poems, brave poems, exploring with honesty the ambiguous moment between the rapture of youth and the grace of acceptance. A daughter tends to aging parents. A woman struggles with infertility—"What if, instead of carrying / a child, I am supposed to carry grief?"—and a body seized by pain and vertigo as well as ecstasy. A nation convulses: "Every song of this country / has an unsung third stanza, something brutal." And still Limón shows us, as ever, the persistence of hunger, love, and joy, the dizzying fullness of our too-short lives. "Fine then, / I'll take it," she writes. "I'll take it all." In Bright Dead Things, Limón showed us a heart "giant with power, heavy with blood"—"the huge beating genius machine / that thinks, no, it knows, / it's going to come in first." In her follow-up collection, that heart is on full display—even as The Carrying continues further and deeper into the bloodstream, following the hard-won truth of what it means to live in an imperfect world.

"Ada Limón is a straight genius when it comes to noticing. Her poems turn the way horses seem to birth full-grown horses into a metaphor for love, and turn goldfinches into a reminder that there is always a chance at being nurtured by the thing that brings you pain—or at least a possibility that it won't bury you." Reginald Dwayne Betts, New York Times

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Lucky Wreck15th Anniversary Edition: Lucky Wreck

Winner of the 2005 Autumn House Poetry Prize, selected by Jean Valentine
ISBN: 9781938769801 / 15th Anniversary Publication Date: April 2021 / 88 Pages / Paperback / $17.95

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"From the first lines of Lucky Wreck, I was drawn in by this smart, jaunty, musing, quirky voice, and as I read the whole book I felt more and more respect for Ada Limón's risky, haunting, wonderfully unexpected work. Like many of the best writers, she is funny and serious at the same time, the depths and heights are one: lucky wreck!" —Jean Valentine

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Sharks in the Rivers

Bright Dead Things

Finalist for the 2015 National Book Award

Finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award

Named a Top-Ten Book of Poetry in 2015 by the New York Times

Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-57131-471-0 / Pages: 128 / September 2015, Milkweed Editions / $16.00

Purchase: Milkweed Editions / Amazon / IndieBound

"The lyrical genius of these poems sing to us of the perennial theme of home and our primordial ache of belonging. Ada Limón captures all the nuances that these colossal words call to mind with the gorgeous voice of her diction, and the timbre of her images. Both soft and tender, enormous and resounding, her poetic gestures entrance and transfix." —Richard Blanco (Read more advance praise & reviews)

From the publisher: A book of bravado and introspection, of 21st century feminist swagger and harrowing terror and loss, this fourth collection considers how we build our identities out of place and human contact—tracing in intimate detail the various ways the speaker's sense of self both shifts and perseveres as she moves from New York City to rural Kentucky, loses a dear parent, ages past the capriciousness of youth, and falls in love.

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Sharks in the RiversSharks in the Rivers

Paperback / ISBN: 978-1-57131-438-3 / Pages: 96 / January 2010, Milkweed Editions / $15.00

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"Ada Limón is a poet of alchemy, able to transform herself into what is named as she utters the words—hummingbird, river, desire, gone. With Sharks in the Rivers she has created the thing itself, alternating rangy invocations with distilled wildness, always open to wonder." —Nick Flynn

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Big Fake WorldThis Big Fake World

Winner of the 2005 Pearl Prize
Perfect-bound / ISBN 978-1-888219-35-7 / Pages: 80 / 2005, Pearl Editions / $14.95

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"This Big Fake World is a sophisticated exploration of manners, marriage, and the fragile bonds that desire both creates and destroys...the lives and language of this book are radiant emblems of a truly discerning mind and heart." —Tom Sleigh

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Poets on TeachingPoets on Teaching: A Sourcebook

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Paperback / ISBN 978-1587299049 / Pages: 350 / 2010, University of Iowa Press / $29.95

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"Here is an astonishingly generous gathering of poetic energies and imaginations aimed toward turning more and more classrooms into scenes of transformative engagement with the prime instrument of our humanity, language. The essential work of exploratory play with words is presented in heartening variety in its necessary wildness, surprising pleasures, gravitas, illumination."
—Joan Retallack


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"Utterly of-the-moment and thoroughly inclusive, When She Named Fire, in step with this historical importance, will hold the attention of even the most well read of interested poetry connoisseurs: even those already well-acquainted with women writers in particular."
—Cold Front Magazine


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